At present, our company has four major businesses and they are aggregate manufacturing, mineral processing, industry powder milling, and bulk material handling plant construction services. We can provide you EPC(Turnkey) Project Service.
The aggregate is the important construction material for modern construction industry. The sizes of commonly used aggregates are between 0.-5mm(sand), 5-10mm(gravel), 10-15mm(gravel), 15-30mm(gravel), etc. The raw material can be stones(pebble, basalt, limestone, granite, etc), river sand, construction waste, etc. [Learn More]
Our mineral processing business is to help customer set up mine rock ore crushing plant, mine ore grinding plant, mineral dressing plant, and taillings recycling plant. The raw material can be iron ore, hematile, magnetite, gulch gold, copper ore, gold ore, bauxite, lead-zinc ore, manganese ore, etc. [Learn More]
SKE bulk material handling business is to help our customer set up in-plant conveyor system, overland conveyor system, and pipe conveyor system. We provider service for mining, quarrying, mineral processing, cement, thermal power plant, metallurgy, grain, port, wharf and other industries. [Learn More]
We can provide EPC Service for our customers!